Permanent makeup is essentially tattooed makeup. It is the application of custom color blended pigments inserted into the dermal layer of skin to create eyebrows, eyeliner, or lip color. Permanent cosmetics are sometimes referred to as micro-pigmentation. Permanent makeup is great for people that: have asymmetrical facial features, have poor eyesight, have unsteady hands, are physically challenged, have traditional makeup allergies, have watery eyes, have sparse lashes or eyebrows, travel, swim, sweat, and are pressed for time.


Permanent makeup is considered permanent because the pigment is tattooed into the upper part of the dermal layer of the skin and cannot be washed off. The pigment is different than traditional tattoo inks because it is made from a lighter metal and not implanted as deep as a traditional artistic tattoo, therefore it will fade in time. Longevity can vary depending on lifestyle, the color of pigment used for the procedure, sun exposure, and skin care products. If aftercare is followed as directed, most procedures should last approximately 2-5 years. Gradually it will fade at which time it is recommended to have the color refreshed.


Microblading is an eyebrow tattooing technique similar to permanent makeup but is done manually with a hand held tool called a microblade. The end of the microblade is made up of several tiny needles in a row that form of small blade. It is used to create small narrow openings into the skin, similar to a paper cut, that are the about the width of hair. The tiny needles are dipped into pigment before creating each hair stroke which places the pigment under the skin. It is not implanted as deep as traditional permanent makeup tattoos and therefore does not last quite as long. However, the result is more defined hair strokes for very natural looking brow. Microblading will typically last 6-18 months before needing the color refreshed.


During the consultation, we will look at photos and discuss the desired outcome of the procedure. There will be paperwork to complete including medical history and consent forms. Pre and post care instructions will be discussed. The permanent makeup artist will draw on the outline of the eyebrows, eyeliner, or lip liner to check for symmetry. Numbing creams are applied 20-30 minutes prior to make the procedure as comfortable as possible. During the procedure, the area may be covered up to 4 times to ensure even color coverage. It’s important to remain as motionless as possible throughout the procedure, this means no talking, to ensure safety. Be sure to follow all after care instructions for the best results. Typically 6 weeks after the initial procedure a touch up appointment is scheduled. During the touch up appointment the permanent makeup artist will touch up the design, shape, and color if needed.

Plan to be there approximately 2 hours for your procedure as you will have paperwork to fill out, consult about shape and color, draw on and check for symmetry, and allow anesthesia to be applied for 20-30 prior to starting. For some people procedures may take longer depending on the skin, pain threshold, and anxiety level. The touch up appointment is typically faster as the artist only needs to work on the areas that need to be fine tuned.

Most experience some discomfort but very effective topical anesthesia, designed specifically for permanent cosmetics, is used before and during the procedure to ensure the process is as comfortable as possible. Prior to your procedure, do not have caffeine as it may make you more sensitive. If you have a traditional artistic tattoo or have piercings you will find that permanent makeup is easier to tolerate.


Yes, when proper sterilization and disinfection guidelines are met, it is very safe.  All needles are new, sterile, and disposable. Disposable chair covers, gloves, and sleeves are used protect the client and permanent makeup artist. The entire work area and tattoo machine are sterilized with hospital grade disinfectant after each procedure to ensure the safety.

Some contraindications include but are not limited to: blood thinners, heart medications, aspirin, medication for diseases like diabetes, lupus, autoimmune diseases, and if you are prone to infections or have a compromised immune system. Vitamins or supplement that thin the blood should be stopped prior to your procedure with the consent of your healthcare provider. You must wait 2 weeks after having Botox or fillers in the procedure area.


Some people may not be very irritated at all and some may be swollen and red. Taking an antihistamine prior to the procedure may help to reduce swelling. The procedure area may be swollen for 24-48 hours and it will appear much darker at first because of the blood and lymph that have been brought to the surface during the procedure. The tissue will crust, scab, and then slough off within 7-10 days leaving a softer color. It will be about 20%-30% lighter after the first 10 days. The healing process can depend on aftercare, health, and the condition of the skin.


Post care will be discussed at the appointment and clients will receive a printed copy instructions on how to care for the procedure area as it heals along with a packet of A&D ointment. Only use A&D ointment as it is non-reactive on the skin. Do not use Neosporin, bacitracin, or any other products post procedure as they may prevent proper healing or cause an allergic reaction on the skin. (link to pre/post instructions)


Even thought these procedures are considered permanent, there is some flexibility in changing the color and shape. It takes time to acclimate to a new look so be patient and allow yourself time to adjust. After the procedure heals, in 6 weeks, and you are able to make an informed decision about the healed version of the procedure, adjustments can be made, to some extent, at the touch up. Be sure to communicate clearly with your technician so the desired result is clear. Permanent cosmetics are not easily removed. The removal process requires several sessions to gradually fade the procedure area with no guarantee that it will be 100% gone.